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[FRAMESETh |N horizontal 2 frame FRAMESET - menu and content] <frameset cols="150,*" border="0"> <frame name="menu" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize" src="|"> <frame name="content" scrolling="auto" src=""> <noframes> <body> <!-- content for browser without frame ability --> </body> </noframes> </frameset> ; [FRAMESETv |N vertical 2 frame FRAMESET - menu and content] <frameset cols="150,*" border="0"> <frame name="menu" scrolling="no" noresize="noresize" src="|"> <frame name="content" scrolling="auto" src=""> <noframes> <body> <!-- content for browser without frame ability --> </body> </noframes> </frameset> ; [FRAMESET3 |N 2 frame FRAMESET - top, left menu and content] <frameset rows="60,*" border="0"> <frame name="menu" noresize="noresize" src="|"> <frameset cols="150,*" border="0"> <frame name="menu" noresize="noresize" src=""> <frame name="content" src=""> <noframes> <body> <!-- content for browser without frame ability --> </body> </noframes> </frameset> </frameset> </html> ; ; [Google1 |N Googlem search] <form action="http://www.google.com/search" %target%> <input type="text" value="" name="q" size="55" maxlength="256"> <br> <input name="btnG" type="submit" value="Google search"> <input name="hl" type="hidden" value="en"> </form> ; [Google2 |N google search on own web] <form action="http://www.google.com/search" %target%> <input type="text" name="as_q" size="20"> <input type="hidden" name="as_sitesearch" %valueg%> <input type="hidden" name="num" value="10"> <input type="hidden" name="btnG" value="Search"> <input type="submit" value=" Search"> </form> ; ; [h | heading style <h1> a₧ </h7>] <h%h% %align4% %class% %style% %lang% %id% %title% %dir% %language% %on%>º|</h%h%> ; [h1 | heading style <h1>] <h1>º|</h1> ; [h2 | heading style <h2>] <h2>º|</h2> ; [h3 | heading style <h3>] <h3>º|</h3> ; [h4 | heading style <h4>] <h4>º|</h4> ; [h5 | heading style <h5>] <h5>º|</h5> ; [h6 | heading style <h6>] <h6>º|</h6> ; [head | html documentu header] <head %lang% %profile% %id% %title% %dir%> º| </head> ; [homepage | set page as homepage] <a href="javascript:;" onClick="javascript:this.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('%url%');"> Set as homepage </a> ; [hr | draws a horizontal rule]*Shift+Ctrl+H <hr %align3% %size% %class% %style% %width% %noshade% %color% %clear% %language% %on% %id% %title%> | ; [html | HTML document <html></html>] <html %dir% %lang% %xmllang% %title% %version%> º| </html> ; [HTMLo |N page with picture in pop-up window] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta name="generator" content="PSPad editor, www.pspad.com"> <title>%title2%</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url(%srcbg%)} //--> </style> </head> <body scroll="no" onclick="window.close()" title="Click to close"> </body> </html> ; [HTMLs |N simple HTML page template] <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; %charset%"> <meta name="generator" content="PSPad editor, www.pspad.com"> <title>%title2%</title> </head> <body> º| </body> </html> ; [HTMLr |N HTML redirect page] <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; %charset%"> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="%s%;%url1%"> <title>%title2%</title> </head> <body> º| </body> </html> ; ; [i1 | italic text <i></i>]*CTRL+I <i>º|</i> ; [i | italic text with attributes] <i %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title% %lang% %dir%>º|</i> ; [iframe | create in-line floating frames] <iframe %name% %class% %style% %align9% %id% %src% %width% %height% %longdesc% %marginheight% %marginwidth% %scrolling% %noresize% %frameborder% %datafld% %datasrc%>º|</iframe> ; [ilayer |D separated page layer] <ilayer %name% %bgcolor% %background% %class% %id% %srcf% %width% %z-index% %pagey% %pagex% %visibilty% %clip% %top% %left% %below% %above% %style%>º|</ilayer> ; [img | image] <img %srcp% %alt% %title% %name% %class% %style% %align9% %border% %height% %width% %hspace% %vspace% %on% %controls% %dynsrc% %ismap% %longdesc% %loop% %loopdelay% %starto% %language%> | ; [IMGo |N image link with onClick event into new window] ; function Open(url,name,params){ ; window.open(url,name,params + 'left=5,top=5'); } </script> <a href="javascript:;" onClick="%namef%('%srcoo%|','%winname%','%widtho%,%heighto%');"> º| </a> ; [input | form input control] <input %type2% %accept% %accesskey% %maxlength% %name% %checked% %notab% %value% %tabindex% %srcp% %disabled% %readonly% %size% %style% %class% %language% %on% %title% %datafld% %datasrc% %dataformatas%> | ; [INPUTf | input type=file] <input type="file" %accept% %accesskey% %disabled% %maxlength% %name% %notab% %on% %readonly% %size% %tabindex% %taborder% %value% %style% %class% %language% %title%> | ; [INPUTh | input type=hidden] <input type="hidden" %name% %value%> | ; [INPUTch | input type=checkbox ] <input type="checkbox" %accesskey% %checked% %disabled% %notab% %on% %readonly% %tabindex% %taborder% %value% %style% %class% %language% %title%> | ; [INPUTi | input type=image] <input type="image" %name% %accesskey% %align9% %alt% %title% %usemap% %border% %value% %tabindex% %taborder% %srcp% %disabled% %notab% %style% %class% %language% %on%> ; [INPUTp | input type=password] <input type="password" %accesskey% %disabled% %maxlength% %name% %notab% %on% %readonly% %size% %tabindex% %taborder% %value% %style% %class% %language% %title%> | ; [INPUTr | input type=radio] <input type="radio" %accesskey% %checked% %disabled% %maxlength% %name% %notab% %on% %readonly% %tabindex% %taborder% %value% %style% %class% %language% %title%> | ; [INPUTre | input type=reset] <input type="reset" %accesskey% %disabled% %notab% %on% %tabindex% %taborder% %value% %style% %class% %language% %title%> | ; [INPUTs | input type=submit] <input type="submit" %accesskey% %disabled% %name% %notab% %on% %tabindex% %taborder% %value% %style% %class% %language% %title%> | ; [INPUTt | input type=text] <input type="text" %accesskey% %disabled% %maxlength% %name% %notab% %on% %readonly% %size% %tabindex% %taborder% %value% %style% %class% %language% %title%> | ; [ins | indicated part, inserted from last version] <ins %lang% %cite% %datetime% %dir% %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title%>º|</ins> ; [isindex |D indicated possibility search document] <isindex %action% %dir% %lang% %prompt% %class% %style% %title% %id%>º|</isindex> ; [kbd | renders text in fixed-width font] <kbd %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title% %lang% %dir%>º|</kbd> ; [keygen |D generate key material on page] <keygen %name% %id% %class% %style% %challenge%> | ; [label | label for a control-like element] <label %language% %on% %for% %accesskey% %class% %style% %title% %id% %datafld% %datasrc% %dataformatas%>º|</label> ; [layer |D separated page layer] <layer %name% %bgcolor% %background% %class% %id% %srcf% %width% %z-index% %pagey% %pagex% %visibilty% %clip% %top% %left% %below% %above% %style%>º|</layer> ; [legend | legend to form fieldset] <legend %language% %on% %for% %accesskey% %class% %style% %title% %id%>º|</legend> ; [li | item of a list <li></li>]*CTRL+Q <li>º|</li> ; [LIa | item of a list with attributs] <li %class% %style% %compact% %dir% %language% %on% %lang% %id% %title% %typel% %value%>º|</li> ; [link | hyperlink between the document and some other resource] <link %class% %style% %charset% %media% %dir% %language% %on% %lang% %id% %title% %type4% %hrefsi% %hreflang% %rel%> | ; [LINKs | external CSS style link] <link rel="stylesheet" %hrefs% type="text/css" %disabled%> | ; [listing |D text in fixed-width type] <listing %class% %style%>º|</listing> ; ; [map | collection of hot spots for a client-side image map] <map %lang% %dir% %class% %style% %language% %on% %name% %id% %title%>º|</map> ; [marquee |D scrolling text marquee] <marquee %width% %height% %hspace% %vspace% %align3% %behaviour% %behavior% %direction% %loop% %bgcolor% %datafld% %datasrc% %dataformatas%> º| </marquee> ; [menu |D block of individual items] <menu %class% %style% %lang% %dir% %id% %title% %on%>º|</menu> ; [METAc |N meta tags against cache save] <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache, must-revalidate"> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"> <meta http-equiv="last-modified" content="%RFCTime%"> | ; [METAe | meta tag page expires] <meta http-equiv="expires" content="%RFCTime%"> | ; [METAdis | meta tag distribution] <meta name="distribution" %contentdis%> | ; [METAg | meta tag generator PSPad] <meta name="generator" content="PSPad editor, www.pspad.com"> | ; [METAk | meta tag - charset settings] <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; %charset%"> | ; [METAn | meta tags (author, description, keywords)] <meta %lang% %metaname% %metaaut% %metacop% %metadesc% %metakey%> | ; [METAr | meta tag for redirection] <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="%s%;%url1%"> | ; [METAn | meta tag robots] <meta name="robots" %metarob%> | ; [METAbt | (IE) blendTrans] <meta %e% content="blendTrans(%Duration%)"> | ; [METArt | (IE) RevealTrans] <meta %e% content="RevealTrans(%Duration%, %Transition%)"> | ; [METAwt | meta tag window-target] <meta http-equiv="window-target" %contentwt%> | ; [modified |B date time of last document modification] <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.write(document.lastModified) //--> </script> ; [multicol |D (NS) format definition for several columns] <multicol %class% %style% %gutter% %cols% %id% %width%>º|</multicol> ; ; [nextid |D valid identifier definition of entity] <nextid %n%> ; [nobr |D text without line breaking] <nobr>º|</nobr> ; [noembed |D content for browset doesn't supporting EMBED] <noembed %id% %title% %style% %class% %dir% %language% %on% %lang%>º|</noembed> ; [noframes | content for browset doesn't supporting FRAMESET] <noframes %id% %title% %style% %class% %dir% %language% %on% %lang%> <body> <!-- content for browser without frame support --> </body> </noframes> ; [nolayer | content for browset doesn't supporting LAYER] <nolayer %id% %title% %style% %class% %dir% %language% %on% %lang%> º| </nolayer> ; [noscript | content for browset doesn't supporting SCRIPT] <noscript %class% %style% %language% %on% %lang% %id% %title% %dir%> <!-- alternatice to script --> </noscript> ; ; [object | inserts object or applet] <object %class% %style% %classid% %codebase% %codetype% %data% %declare% %notab% %archive% %border% %height% %width% %hspace% %vspace% %dir% %language% %on% %lang% %id% %title% %name% %tabindex% %typem% %usemap% %shapes% %standby% %datafld% %datasrc%> |º </object> ; [ol | ordered list] <ol %class% %style% %compact% %dir% %on% %lang% %id% %title% %typel% %start%>|º</ol> ; [OLli |N ordered list with items] <ol %typel% %class% %style%> <li>º|</li> <li></li> <li></li> </ol> ; [optgroup | groups related elements of OPTION type in SELECT] <optgroup %title% %lang% %dir% %name% %class% %id% %size% %style% %language% %on% %label% %disabled%> º| </optgroup> ; [option | choice in a select list] <option %title% %name% %class% %id% %size% %style% %language% %on% %value% %label% %disabled% %selected% %lang% %dir%>º|</option> ; ; [p | paragraph]*SHIFT+CTRL+P <p %align4% %class% %style% %lang% %id% %title% %dir% %language% %on% %nowrap%> º| </p> ; [p_ | empty paragraph] <p> </p> ; [param | object params] <param %typem% %name% %id% %value% %valuetype% %mayscript% %datafld% %datasrc% %dataformatas%> | ; [password | simple password access with JavaScriptu] <form name="form" onSubmit="return false"> vlo₧ heslo: <input type="password" name="password" size="12" maxlength="20" title=" Enter password "> <input type="submit" value="ok" onclick="window.location.href = 'directory/' + document.form.password.value + '.html' "> </form> ; [php |B PHP tag <?php ?>] <?php | ?> ; [PHPe |B PHP tag with echo command] <?php echo 'º|'; ?> ; [PHPi |B PHP tag include ] <?php %include%; ?> | ; [PHPp |B inserts PHP code] <?php %php%| ?> ; [plaintext |D text in fixed-width type without processing tags] <plaintext %lang% %dir% %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title% >º|</plaintext> ; [pre | text in fixed-width type] <pre %align4% %language% %on% %lang% %datafld% %dir% %width% %class% %style% %id% %title%> º| </pre> ; ; [q | short citation] <q %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title% %cite% %lang% %dir%>"º|"</q> ; ; [s |D text in strikethrough type] <s %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title% %lang% %dir%>º|</s> ; [samp | code sample] <samp %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title% %align3% %lang% %dir%>º|</samp> ; [select | list box or dropdown list] <select %align9% %title% %lang% %dir% %name% %class% %id% %size% %style% %on% %multiple% %tabindex% %disabled% %datafld% %datasrc%> º| </select> ; [SELECTo |N list box or dropdown list with items] <select %name% %class% %id% %size% %style% %multiple% %title%> <option value="|">º</option> <option value=""></option> <option value=""></option> </select> ; [server |D (NS) JavaScriptu on server side] <server> º| </server> ; [script | inerts external script] <script %srcj% %typescript% %language% %charset% %style% %class% %defer%></script> | ; [SCRIPTi |N insert internal script] <script %typescript% %event% %for% %language% %charset% %style% %class% %defer%> º| </script> ; [small | relatively smaller font than the current font] <small %lang% %dir% %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title%>º|</small> ; [spacer |D free space] <spacer %type3% %height% %size% %width% %align9%> | ; [span | user container] <span %class% %style% %on% %id% %title% %language% %datafld% %datasrc% %dataformatas% %rel% %rev% %lang% %dir%>º|</span> ; [sound |D inserts sound] <sound %srcs% %loop% %delay%> | ; [SSI |N Server-side Include ] <!--#%ssit% | --> ; [strike |D text in strikethrough type] <strike %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title% %lang% %dir%>º|</strike> ; [strong | text in boldface] <strong %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title% %lang% %dir%>º|</strong> ; [style | internal style sheet definition] <style %type4% %media% %title% %disabled% %dir% %lang%> <!-- º| //--> </style> ; [sub | subscript text] <sub %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title% %lang% %dir%>º|</sub> ; [sup | superscript text] <sup %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title% %lang% %dir%>º|</sup> ; ; [table | table definition] <table %width% %height% %class% %style% %vspace% %hspace% %align3% %border% %bordercolor% %bgcolor% %background% %bordercolordark% %bordercolorlight% %nowrap% %summary% %id% %title% %cellspacing% %cellpadding% %frame% %rules% %clear% %lang% %dir% %datasrc% %datapagesize% %datafld%> º| </table> ; [TABLEc |N table in page center] <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="1"> <tr> <td>º|</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> ; [TABLEd |N simple table with cells] <table %class% %style% %width% %align3% %border% %cellspacing% %cellpadding%> <tr %bgcolor%> <td> º|</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> ; [TABLEi |N table with scrollbars as IFRAME] <table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse"> <tr> <td> <div style="overflow: auto; width: 200px; height: 100px"> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> </div> </td> </tr> </table> ; [TABLE5 |N table (header, left, righ margine, footer, content)] <table width="760" align="center" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="7" style="border-collapse: collapse"> <tr> <td valign="top" colspan="3"> Header <br> <br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" rowspan="2" width="150"> Left column <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> </td> <td valign="top" width="500"> Content <br> <br> <br> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="2" width="110"> Right column <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> Footer <br> </td> </tr> </table> ; [TABLExml |N XML data binding in table] <xml %id% %xml%></xml> <table %datasrc% %border% %cellspacing%> <tr> <td>º|<td> </tr> <tr> <td><span %datafld%></span><td> </tr> </table> ; [tbody | rows as the body of the table] <tbody %class% %style% %char% %charoff% %alignt% %valign% %id% %title%>º|</tbody> ; [td | cell in a table] <td %width% %height% %class% %style% %alignt% %valign% %nowrap% %id% %title% %bordercolor% %background% %bgcolor% %bordercolordark% %bordercolorlight% %language% %on% %char% %charoff% %axis% %abbr% %scope% %headres% %colspan% %rowspan%>º|</td> ; [tfoot | rows as the table's footer] <tfoot %class% %style% %char% %charoff% %align% %valign% %id% %title%>º|</tfoot> ; [th | header column] <th %width% %height% %language% %on% %char% %charoff% %class% %style% %axis% %abbr% %scope% %headres% %colspan% %rowspan% %alignt% %valign% %nowrap% %id% %title% %bordercolor% %background% %bgcolor% %bordercolordark% %bordercolorlight%>º|</th> ; [thead | rows as the table's header] <thead %class% %style% %align% %valign% %id% %title% %char% %charoff%>º|</thead> ; [textarea | textarea] <textarea %name% %id% %rows% %cols% %title% %readonly% %class% %style% %on% %accesskey% %tabindex% %wrap% %disabled% %datafld% %datasrc% %lang% %dir%>º|</textarea> ; [title | document heading style] <title %dir% %id% %title% %lang%>º|</title> ; [tr | row in a table] <tr %valign% %alignt% %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title% %lang% %dir% %nowrap% %bordercolor% %bgcolor% %bordercolordark% %bordercolorlight%>º|</tr> ; [tt | text in fixed-width type] <tt %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title% %lang% %dir%>º|</tt> ; ; [u |D underlined text] <u %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title% %lang% %dir%>º|</u> ; [ul | unordered (bulleted) list] <ul %class% %style% %compact% %dir% %language% %on% %lang% %id% %title% %typel%>º|</ul> ; [ULli |N unordered (bulleted) list with items] <ul %typel% %class% %style%> <li>º|</li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> ; ; [var | text as a small fixed-width font] <var %class% %style% %language% %on% %id% %title% %lang% %dir%>º|</var> ; ; [wbr |D soft linebreak] <wbr> | ; ; [xml |B XML data binding, date island] <xml %id% %xml%>º|</xml> | ; [xmp | text in fixed-width type used for example text] <xmp %style% %class%>º|</xmp> ; ; [Keywords] abbr abbr= above= accept= accept-charset= accesskey= acronym action= address align= alink= alt= alternate stylesheet appendix applet area archive= array atop> au> autocomplete= autostart= axis= background= balance= banner> bar> base basefont bdo behavior= below below= bgcolor= bgproperties= bgsound big blink block blockquote body bookmark border= bordercolor= bordercolordark= bordercolorlight= bottommargin= box> bq> br> button cache-control caption cellpadding= cellspacing= center cite cite= class= classid= clear= clip= code code= codebase= codetype= col coldef= colgroup color= cols= colspan= colspec= comment compact= connect content= content-language content-script-type content-style-type content-type continue= controls= coords= copyright copyright= credit> data= datafld= dataformatas= datapagesize= datasrc= datetime= ddot> declare= defer= del delay= delete description= devicefont= dfn dingbat= dir dir= direction= disabled= distribution div DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd"> DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> dp= Duration= dynsrc= embed enctype= end endtime= error= event= expires face= fieldset fig file first font fontdef for= form frame frame= frameborder= frameset get;post glossary gutter= head headres= height= help hidden hidden= home horizontal href= hreflang= hspace= html http:// http-equiv= challenge= char= charoff= charset= checkbox checked= iframe ilayer image imagetoolbar img index inherit input ins isindex ismap iso-8859-2 JavaScript kbd keygen keywords= label label= lang= language= last last-modified layer left= leftmargin= legend link link= listing longdesc= loop= loopdelay= lowsrc= made mailto: map marginheight= marginwidth= marquee math maxlength= mayscript media= menu meta method= mssmarttagspreventparsing multiple must-revalidate name= next nextid nobr> no-cache noembed noflow= nohref= nolayer noresize= noscript noshade notab= nowrap= object onAbort="" onActivate="" onAfterPrint="" onAfterUpdate="" onBack="" onBeforeActivate="" onBeforeCopy="" onBeforeCut="" onBeforeDeactivate="" onBeforeEditFocus="" onBeforePrint="" onBeforeRePaste="" onBeforeUnload="" onBeforeUpdate="" onBlur="" onBounce="" onClick="" onContextMenu="" onControlSelect="" onCopy="" onCut="" onDataAvailable="" onDatasetComplete="" onDataSetChange="" onDblClick="" onDeactivate="" onDrag="" onDragEnd="" onDragEnter="" onDragLeave="" onDragOver="" onDragStart="" onDrop="" onError="" onErrorUpdate="" onFilterChange="" onFinish="" onFocus="" onFocusIn="" onFocusOut="" onForward="" onHelp="" onChange="" onKeyDown="" onKeyPress="" onKeyUp="" onLoad="" onLoseCapture="" onMouseDown="" onMouseDrag="" onMouseEnter="" onMouseLeave="" onMouseMove="" onMouseOut="" onMouseOver="" onMouseUp="" onMouseWheel="" onMove="" onMoveEnd="" onMoveStart="" onPaste="" onPropertyChange="" onReadyStateChange="" onReset="" onResize="" onResizeEnd="" onResizeStart="" onRoweEnter="" onRoweExit="" onScroll="" onSelect="" onSelectStart="" onStop="" onSubmit="" onTimeErorror="" onUnload="" optgroup option options Page-Enter Page-Exit pagex= pagey= palette= param parent password person> pics-label PICS-Label plain= plaintext play= pluginspage= pluginurl= point-size= pragma pre previous prompt= put quality= radio readonly="readonly" refresh reset rightmargin= robots= rows= rowspan= rules= salign= same samp scale= scope= script scroll= scrollamount= scrolldelay= scrolling= select selected="selected" seqnum= server> shape= shapes= shortcut ico show scheme= Site-Enter Site-Exit size= skip= small sound spacer span= sqrt> start start= starttime= strike strong style style= stylesheet sub submit subsection summary= sup swLiveConnect= tab tabindex= table taborder= target= tbody text text/css text/javascript text> textarea tfoot thead title title= toc top= topmargin= trace Transition= truespeed= type= up urn= usemap= utf-8 valign= valuetype= var vec> version= vertical visibilty= volume= vspace= wbr> width= windows-1250 window-target wmode= wrap= xml:lang= xmp z-index=